Ready to create your own voxel art? Here you’ll find the best Qubicle tutorials and resources for bringing your ideas to life. All tutorials have been thoroughly tested by the Mega Voxels team with the latest version of Qubicle. Start making your own voxel creations using Qubicle today!

Mega Voxels Tutorials

Here you can find Qubicle tutorials for creating voxel art and games by the Mega Voxels Team!

Mega Voxels Resources

Here is a list of Qubicle Resources created by the Mega Voxels Team!

Community Tutorials

Here are some links to Qubicle tutorials by the community.

Get the Qubicle Editor

Get access to the latest version of Qubicle by visiting the official website by Minddesk!

  1. Qubicle by Minddesk

Why Learn Qubicle?

Qubicle has been a huge favorite amongst game developers over the past years including the developers of Crossy Road and Shooty Skies. The main reason is because of its wide array of export formats that make it work seamless with game engines like Unity. Its also loaded with tons of tools and shortcuts to speed up the voxel creation process. Qubicle also plays nice with MagicaVoxel allowing you to import VOX files as well as export VOX files. Qubicle runs on both Windows and macOS making it a good choice for most game development shops. Here at Mega Voxels we want to help the next group of voxel artists make their own voxel creations while supporting the current voxel artist community. If you like the features Qubicle has to offer we have tutorials and resources to help you become a voxel creator!